LaQuita Cleare

The Engagement Code

The Hollywood formula for impactful business communication that drives action at ANY level.

See LaQuita in action

LaQuita Cleare Founder & CEO,
Clear Communications Academy
Spoken in 50+ Countries

Trusted by

STS Capital Partners
King & Spalding
TD Bank

Connection, emotion, engagement…

THESE are the principles that get results in the world of Hollywood entertainment.

But they apply just as powerfully to the business realm—and leaders, executives, and sales teams from ALL industries.

A former Hollywood actor, writer, and producer with a background in Social Psychology, LaQuita realized something:

When you choose to look beyond meeting agendas, sales numbers, and KPIs, the ONLY thing that really matters – whether you’re a CEO or a blockbuster movie producer – is how you keep people ENGAGED.

ENGAGEMENT is the key piece to make a company – or a movie – a success.

And it all starts with how you COMMUNICATE and tell better STORIES.

That’s how you secure:

  • Buy-in to your ideas
  • More inspired teams
  • More connected customers

Enter... The Engagement Code

Connection + Content + Delivery = Engagement

The same storytelling formula that Hollywood uses to evoke powerful emotions on the big screen applies when you’re ready to create and sustain engagement in your brand, your ideas, and your customers to achieve remarkable business results.

It’s the formula that will help you create
the ultimate level of engagement
in your communication.

If you can wrap the RIGHT stories around a compelling message and present with confidence, you open the door for UNPRECEDENTED GROWTH—for you, for your team, AND for your organization.

Create happier, more engaged customers and employees, and a more CONNECTED organization

LaQuita will show you how…

As a sought-after expert in the art of storytelling, LaQuita turns her vast experience from the captivating world of Hollywood entertainment into a fail-proof method for unlocking engagement at any level.

She has helped thousands of people elevate how they connect, build support, and strengthen trust—with their customers, with their employees, and with each other.

Using The Engagement CodeTM, LaQuita translates the storytelling craft she mastered supporting Oscar-winning stars on set as a Hollywood actor, writer, and producer into actionable lessons for corporate audiences, so they can experience REAL business results.

Audiences walk away feeling inspired, motivated, and driven to connect on a more human level.


Unleash the Power of Effective Communication for Your Audience

See LaQuita in action

How might The Engagement Code help transform YOUR organization?

LaQuita Cleare


Discover the fail-proof method for unlocking engagement at any level from the world of Hollywood entertainment.

LaQuita Cleare


Crack The Engagement Code and unlock the untapped communication potential within your organization.

LaQuita Cleare


Communication is at the heart of everything you do. Start making it work for your organization. LaQuita will show you how.